Hi! I’m Maggie! My husband and I are a couple of DIY fools who share a passion for healthy cooking, clean eating, and frugal living – in moderation. We’re just as fond of the occasional decadent splurge.
Our philosophy towards food is mostly built around getting as close to the source as possible. Most of our meals are built around vegetables and whole grains with a little bit of lean meat mixed in now and then. Most. I can’t pretend that we don’t have the occasional meal of ice cream, beer and pickles – a prerogative which I count among the great joys of being a grown up. Still, I look forward to the day we can grow the majority of our food and, until then, I’m happy to plunder our little herb garden daily.
Here you’ll find a collection of our favorite recipes, household tips, home improvement projects, and reviews.
You can reach me anytime at maggie@homesweetjones.com – give us a couple of days to get back to you.
Thanks for stopping by!
Update: September 2018, the week before I turned 40, Brad and I moved to Hong Kong. The following month I was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer spread to the brain, liver, and dozens of lymph nodes. Since then I’ve adjusted my diet and am feeling better than I ever have in my life, living in harmony with my cancer. I now blog over at www.cancerv.me sharing my journey as I live my best life as a cancer thriver.
BLOG: I’ve fallen in love withe the Foodie Theme for WordPress Genesis by Shay Bocks. I’ve used hostdime to host dozens of my own and clients’ sites for the past decade. All our domains are registered through GoDaddy.
CAMERA: We use a Canon DSLR and currently touch up our photos in Adobe LightRoom.
AFFILIATE NOTICE: Some of the links contained in this blog are affiliate links which means that we may receive a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase from the affiliate. We only link to products and services that we’ve used and would recommend to our friends.